Thursday, May 29, 2008

Convention against Torture

Convention Against Torture
Discuss how the “Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment” might be applied to a contemporary conflict. Use references to support your answer. Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings.
Our nation is currently involved in a conflict in Iraq. There have been numerous accusations of torture, along with the support of pictures particularly at Guantanamo Bay. (Knight, 2003). Our agreement to the convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment and punishment was seemingly abandoned. But, the invocation of this and other agreements (the Geneva Conventions) has put the spotlight on the American Army and the prisons run by it. (
Our government must abide by the agreements it has signed, but it must also do what is necessary to keep other terrorism attacks from happening. In the often quoted ticking bomb scenario, torture has proven to be ineffective ( amnesty/torture200112.htm). And even it if were effective, having the wrong person in custody could lead all resources in the totally wrong direction.
We have a stated policy in the United Sates of America not to deal with kidnappers, to do so would only create more kidnappers and make people more vulnerable. We have a signed agreement to not become torturers, and our reasoning is just as sound. To do so would make us as potentially evil as the person who placed the bomb, it is essential that we not become what we fear.

Knight, B (October 2003), Claims of torture in Guantanamo bay , AM on ABC Local Radio,
Mayer, J, (October 2005), what international treaties govern torture?, PBS
Thank you,
Janet Johnson

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